Discover Sorbian Life

The forested slopes form a natural chain that stretches along the horizon, broken up by streams and rivers as they flow towards the faraway ocean. The landscape is dotted with fertile fields housing groups of towns and villages characterised by the red roofs of their tall church towers. Further to the north, the fields give way to a wooded landscape through which rivers and canals flow like veins – the Spree Forest. Welcome to the home of the Sorbs. The Sorbs/Wends have been living in many locations along the Bohemian border stretching up to Brandenburg for centuries, and the small Slavic community has preserved its language, songs, culture and traditions throughout this long time. Join us on a journey of discovery through the home of the Sorbs, the region of Lusatia in eastern Germany, in close proximity to its Slavic neighbours, the Czech Republic and Poland.


Traditions & customs

Culinary delights

Culinary delights Icon

Cycling tours

Explore and discover our region on two wheels thanks to family-friendly cycle routes. Make the most of extensive landscapes, locations rich in history and folklore, hospitality straight from the heart, culture, joie de vivre and maybe even an exciting and eventful holiday
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Sights & attractions

Our home region not only offers you the chance to enjoy stunning hikes and cycling tours but also invites you to discover Lusatia’s abundance of sights and attractions. Wherever you choose to explore, you’re sure to find a nearby café where you can sit back, relax and recover from an exciting tour.
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Sarah Gwiszcz

The Spree Forest has a special place in the heart of Sarah Gwiszcz, who founded her own fashion label “Wurlawy,” roughly translated to “Wild Spree Forest Women”, here in 2014.

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Gabriela Maria Schmeide

Gabriela Maria Schmeide is a German-Sorbian actress who was born in Bautzen and now lives with her family in Bremen.

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Andreas Nowak

Andreas was born in Bautzen and is the drummer in Silbermond, one of Germany’s most successful contemporary rock-pop bands.

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